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Discipleship and Teaching the 21st Century Church

Need a Bible Study or Workshop Facilitator?

Online courses for Biblical studies
Workshops for improving ministry outreach

Welcome to Chasty’s Teaching Ministry

Chasty’s Teaching Ministry (CTM) is geared towards teaching biblical and Kingdom principles to the body of Christ for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. CTM will equip you to apply Scripture to your life so that you understand how to navigate a life of abundance in a fallen world. CTM is a bible study-based ministry that will teach you how to exegete the Word by introducing word studies, character studies and helping one to understand the context of the Scripture by digging into historical background, culture and location. CTM will foster an environment of hermeneutics and expository teaching so that we are living out 2 Timothy 2:15:  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
The goal of CTM is to equip you to live God’s truths daily, to help you to dive deep in your relationship with Christ through His word and to guide you to a life of success by studying and meditating on His Word so that your life will continue in success. Joshua 1:8.

Dear Church People

Living out the Book of Acts in the 21st Century Church Paperback

In "Dear Church People," Chasty Daniels delivers a compelling call to Christians everywhere, urging a return to the genuine essence of faith in our rapidly evolving world. This insightful journey into contemporary Christianity is more than a book; it's a profound invitation to reconnect with the core teachings of Jesus Christ and the foundational truths of the Bible.

Amidst modern life's noise, where religious rituals and outward displays often overshadow Christianity's true spirit, this book emerges as a beacon of hope and clarity. Daniels skillfully intertwines the timeless lessons from the Book of Acts with the teachings of Jesus, providing a roadmap back to faith based on love, humility, and a personal relationship with God.

Effective ministry leadership strategies
Discipleship training for small groups
Interactive Bible study sessions for youth


Our Mission is to equip Believers with the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. According to 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. It is our mission to teach so that we as disciples do what is right and pleasing to God.


Our vision is to be visible in our community as a training center to train and equip the Body of Christ to dive deep in the Bible to gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Our vision is to spread God’s Word to impact His Kingdom, to prepare us for an abundant life and to prepare us to embark us on a life-long journey of intimacy with Christ until His return.

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